Golden grain farms
Golden grain farms

golden grain farms

The diversity is born from the family’s willingness to look for new opportunities and to trust the science. Grewal Farms has grown to include cereal and horticulture cropping, including wheat, almonds, grapes, citrus and even berries. Migrating to New Zealand in 1988, they ran restaurants and grocery stores before making the move to Australia in 2000.įamily connections to the Riverland in South Australia gave the brothers their first taste of irrigated horticulture before expanding their enterprise across the border.

golden grain farms

The family, originally from Punjab in north-western India, are now farming in the Mallee’s Millewa district having come to Australia to grow grapes with their uncle just across the border in Renmark, South Australia. They now run and manage Grewal Farms and Golden Grain Mills. Today they head up a major agricultural enterprise in the Victorian Mallee.įor Kamaljit and his three brothers, Manjinder, Harjas and Agyakar it was a journey that took them to New Zealand first, before finally establishing themselves as farmers in Victoria’s far North-West. Twenty years ago, four brothers arrived in Australia from India.

Golden grain farms